
Looking forward to another summer...

Yes, I know.  It snowed and hailed today in Seattle.  But in February I think about Summer.  I dream about Summer and I start to plan for Summer.  In doing so, I have planned to take more daycations with the girls to state parks.  Here is the three ladies of the house two years ago at a state park enjoying the view.  My cousin was able to capture exactly how I felt that day.


Holiday Tradition - Breakfast for my Valentines!

While walking around Green Lake in the rain with a few good friends, we began to talk about family traditions; especially during holidays.  I love tradition.  My mother was really great about keeping tradition alive in my childhood, as well as, keeping childhood magical and exciting.
My 'gal pals' and I reminisced about our own childhood memories and those traditions that made holidays extra special.  When I began my own family, I continued many and created new ones unique to my family. 
One of those is Holiday Breakfasts.  I guess it started because I am a better breakfast chef than dinner chef.  But when you have little children, it is easier to get things decorated at night.  During the day, there is no time for the extra touches and, if there was time, they would be sure to destroy my work before dinner arrived.
Even more fun (for me) is seeing their faces as they see the decorated table first thing in the morning and wonder how all this happened while they slept- mommy is full of magical powers to preschoolers.
So this year, as I still have the magical powers in the eyes of my children, I stayed up late the eve of Valentine's Day and set the table for the Holiday Breakfast.  Left over red and white wrapping paper laid the foundation and I tediously cut out cardstock hearts, hearts out of red napkins and laid their Valentines cards sent by the grandparents under their silverware.  Holiday Breakfasts have to be special- so our special dishes and glass cup and saucers come out of the cupboard and I calmly supervise my little ones drinking out of heirloom glass.  With little money and reusing materials, Holiday Breakfasts are unique and the shared experience is a gift in itself.


San Francisco

Everyone needs those quick weekend getaways to visit friends, family or to just relax.  I sure needed one of those and took a trip to San Francisco this past weekend.  I went down there for a family event, but was able to spend time with old friends and relax.  If there is a city where I feel like I am in Seattle, but not - it is San Francisco.


Photographing your children - tough work!

The most challenging thing to do is photograph a disinterested and distracted child. I should know- I have had many moments of jumping up and down, making duck sounds and saying, "look at mommy, smile for mommy!" Many times I have to take 20 shots to get that one that is either 'the one' or 'it will do.'

I say give up! Yes, you heard me! Photograph your not-interested-in-the-mommy-paparazzi child doing what they do how they do it. That may be not looking directing at the camera and smiling. I have found when I scroll through old photos, those end up being my favorite. The child is in the moment making faces that melt a parent's heart.

But there are good things to do to make your child feel more comfortable around the camera.

1. Take a photo of the child and then show them their picture right away. The instant reward charms and motivates. Many times this opens the door to some fun photos and silly faces because they like to see how they look. And grown-ups, be silly with them! If they see you having fun and looking dorky, you might get some great shots of them laughing and smiling at you in the process! Tricky.

2. Give them the camera! Yes, I know that scares most of you! But if they are 3 years old or older, I think most children could manage point-and-shoot cameras with supervision. They may be more willing to pose if having time behind the lens.

3. Talk to them- don't yell at them. This happens all the time. A child is enjoying his/her own business playing with a toy and soon mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother and the mail carrier are all yelling, 'smile', 'look over here', 'woo-hoo'! Children usually just start stressing out and end up in tears, not smiles. Talk softly and happy to the child. Ask questions about what they are doing, their interests and something recent they did/saw. AND PLEASE- HAVE ONE PERSON TALKING AT ONCE! FOR THE CHILDREN, PEOPLE!


Dance Parties

It is a daily occurrence in our household to have spontaneous dance parties.  We have music playing most the day, but there are those songs that require a break from the daily grind.  The spontaneous dance party is one of my favorite things and I look forward to it everyday.

'Just Because'

'Just because we love you,' my daughter said as she handed me a bouquet of pink roses she and my husband bought while grocery shopping.  'Just because' gifts can brighten any day.  And 'just because' roses smell a bit sweeter.

My Wedding : August 6, 2005

My wedding day was so special to me.  I look back fondly at all the love shared by our families and friends.  It was a beautiful day. 
But I also remember the little details that went wrong.  Some things didn't turn out as I had planned--and that happens.  Every wedding has a few things that go not as the couple may have intended.  As they happen, you need to roll with it.  You wouldn't want to look back at your wedding and realize you were spending all your energy frustrated over details and missed out on the one event where your friends and family are gathered to celebrate your happiness.  There are few events like that in a lifetime. 
Now I think of those details and laugh.  Nobody noticed, but me.  They were not very important anyway.  Everyone had a great time.  So did I.  And I have photographs I will cherish to remind me how perfect the day really was--I married a wonderful man.  The most important thing didn't go wrong.